The best attraction of all about Japanese culture must be because of its food ! Today's entry is about Japanese Lunch Box or local calls it Obento.
obento is a special kind of Japanese lunch that is not only tasty, but also very healthy and eye-catching. Japanese people tend to carry around their
obentos in lunch boxes called “
This is what they called obento-bako. It comes in varieties of design and colour to suit one's preferences.
These are ideas for the lunch box. Basically you can put anything inside the bento box according to your creativity.
Obento basically have lots of benefits. Trust me. Here, I list out several reasons why you should pack your own lunch box like Japanese does ! :)
◕‿◕ Since they are packed in reusable containers, they reduce lunch waste such as plastic baggies and disposable containers, and allow you to pack a wider variety of food for lunch.
◕‿◕ Portion control is also easy if you follow the general packing rule of thumb of 3 parts carbs, 1 part protein and 2 parts fruits and vegetables, without candy, junk food or oily foods. Packed this way without gaps, a 600ml box holds a 600-calorie meal — a simple method for weight loss without counting calories.
◕‿◕ Picky eaters may be tempted by an attractive presentation of a variety of foods.
Save money you might have spent on restaurant meals by bringing food from home; the savings from less than a week of eating packed lunches makes up for the initial cost of a bento box or lunch container.